Thursday, May 12, 2016

Car Raid Preview

  1. The subject of my car raid is my friend Grace.
  2. I will do this car raid this weekend.
  3. Questions to start the interview:
    1. What kind of car is this?
    2. How long have you had this car?
    3. What is your favorite thing about your car?
    4. In your opinion, what is the most important thing to keep in your car?
    5. Is this your first car?
  4. Things I find in her car, what she keeps in her car normally, and what the car look like are the kind of details I should expect to write down in order to help advance the story line.

Merger Photo

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Graffiti/Found Object Prompt Shoot

This is my found object image. I found the dry erase marker in the decorative basket in my house.

These are my graffiti prompt images. The graffiti walls were found near my house.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Merger Photo

  1. Something that could be a problem when taking my photos could be the background subtly changing or not spacing myself correctly.
  2. I think a good place to take this type of picture on the Bowie campus would be either one of the sports fields/courts or against one of the brick walls.
  3. Something creative I could do in my photo would be the progression of a basketball shot or soccer goal or something along those lines, where there is an end result. Also, I could have someone in a dress dance across the composition and capture the different poses and/or jumps.
  4. Something I could wear to help me with this photo would be just shorts and a shirt. It would not really matter for the sports photo. For the dancer, a flowing dress would be helpful.

HDR Images


  1. My favorite photo was the one of the two people inside the ice cave with the blue light reflecting around them.
  2. Some of the photos look like they were taken with a iPhone camera, but the majority looks like they were taken with a professional camera and not a phone camera.
  3. I feel like apps played a big role in the quality of the picture. The apps most likely impacted the final product and helped the photographer edit the pictures how they wanted.
  4. Two type that might help my own photography with a phone would be to increase the diversity of the photos to find out what you like shooting the most and what works best for the phone camera, and to utilize things like editing apps and camera apps to help make your photos look better but not too edited/fake. Also, be creative with the photos, compositions, and techniques.

Monday, May 2, 2016

HDR Photography

  1. The manipulations required to shoot HDR photos include setting the camera to Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) or adjusting the camera settings manually between each shot and set the camera to shoot in RAW.
  2. The equipment we will use includes a camera (preferably with an AEB function), a tripod, and HDR photo-blending software.
  3. Someone might take a HDR photo because they want to get a high-contrast scene and get a high dynamic range that could not be obtained in a single regular photo.
  4. Once we merge all the images together, we can expect the photo to have high contrast of darks and whites that in other situations we would not see. If we had of shot just one photo, then there would not be such a high dynamic range in the photo.

Final Exam Planning Warm-Up

  • I will shoot this assignment either this weekend or the next
  • I will shoot it at a park or popular place in Austin (Zilker, butler, etc.)
  • My story will be about documenting an actual photoshoot with a professional photographer (the behind the scenes of before, during, and after the shoot)
  • For equipment, I will need my camera, my lens, and maybe an extra special lens.
  • For the video portion, I will either video the going to the place of the shoot or editing the photos.
  • The still images will be of the preparation that goes into a photoshoot and the actual photoshoot
  • My narration will be with the video of either going to the area or editing.

Illustrator Art Pieces

Culture of me story

Pals story

Daniel story

Friday, April 22, 2016

Final Exam and iMovie Preview

Website #1

1. The video walked you through an introduction into iMovie. The woman speaking showed you the different parts of iMovie and what each allowed you to do and fully explained it as well. She showed you a few different ways to do actions, like playing a video.
    The woman explained what each button did and how to use them and she walked you through a tutorial on how to create a new movie. She showed you how to rearrange the clips, delete the clips, extend or shorten the clips, and what dragging and/or highlighting the clips did. To retrieve a deleted clip, she showed you where to navigate to and how to get back a clip you wished you did not delete. Finally she showed you how to add a variety of effects and see them in preview mode, how to export the movie so that other people can watch it, how to save the movie, and how to export the file so that it can be seen on applications other than iMovie.

2. One thing that I already knew that the website explained, was how to create a new movie and add clips.

3. A new thing I learned was how to export the file so that it may be seen outside of iMovie.

4. One thing that I'm concerned about with this final project is being able to find an interesting story to capture and being able to tell it fully.

5. Something that I can complete early and have ready to use is my story idea and easy clips like the title.

6. If you were to ask me today, I think I would choose to do a story of a recipe, an actual photoshoot with a professional photographer, prom dress shopping, or a sporting event.

Website #2

1. The website tutorial walked you through, in words, how to navigate iMovie in order to get the results you want. It gave you step-by-step instructions on how to load a new movie, name the project, start placing clips, extending/shortening/editing clips, and deleting clips/projects. One page talked about things like sounds, transitions, and titles and how to add them and what types you could do of each.
    Since there was no video with these instructions, the writer of it had to fully explain how to do each action and they did. They discussed how to make clip adjustments like trimming them, adding a voiceover, adding music, and recording your voice to add into the iMovie. The website had all the information a beginner would need to create a new iMovie project and was helpful.

2. One thing I already knew that the website explained was how to add in music to your iMovie project.

3. Something new I learned was how to record your voice to add into the movie.

4. One thing that I'm concerned about with this final project is being able to find an interesting story to capture and being able to tell it fully.

5. Something that I can complete early and have ready to use is my story idea and easy clips like the title.

6. If you were to ask me today, I think I would choose to do a story of a recipe, an actual photoshoot with a professional photographer, prom dress shopping, or a sporting event.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My Opinions Story

Extending School Hours

High school students in Austin are in school for 7 hours and 20 minutes 5 days a week, yet the school boards across the Unites States are discussing the idea of extending school hours for the 2016-17 school year. However, increasing time in school would not be the best decision.

            With school starting at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 4:20 p.m., students who go to public high school in Austin do not normally get home until around 5:00 p.m.. Having only a few hours after school to get through traffic, complete homework, eat dinner, and relax, the students already tend to struggle to complete everything on time.

            If the school board were to extend school days, they would be able to avoid making up missed days due to weather or other circumstances. Although not having to make up these days would be ideal, the majority of students would agree that it would be worse to have longer school hours.

            If students were required to be at school longer, they would have more time in class, which could result in better learning. However, if they had to be at school with the entirety of the student body congregation, there would be fewer opportunities for one-on-one tutoring that many students need.

            The people who support the extension of school hours and days say that they want the students to have longer times for learning, but according to USA Today the executive director of The Coalition for a Traditional School Calendar Tina Bruno said that ‘If we are really concerned and feel kids need more academic time, we can better use the time we have.’

            I believe that the public schools would better benefit from keeping the school hours as they are because the students would have more time outside of school to do homework, get tutoring if necessary, and participate in extracurricular activities.
            Another possibility that has been discussed is the removal of a few of the students’ late start days and this would help with the issue of make-up days.

If they were to take away some of the late starts, they could solve the problem without having to add extra hours. Although students would prefer their late starts to not be taken from them, having hours added every school day would be much worse.

            There are solutions to the issue of make-up days that do not require late starts to be taken from the students.

             If the board were to follow through on this plan to extend school hours and days, the students would spend about 224 additional hours and 4 more days on the school premises according to USA Today. This means that the students would lose that much time that they could be getting one-on-one help, doing their assigned homework, and doing things that every teenager should do like hanging out with friends.

When that option is taken away from us, we won’t function as well and students’ attitudes toward school will become more negative than ever.

            The extension of school hours is not necessary and in the end, it would cause more problems than it would fix.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

SNO Online Papers

Prom expenses are too much for students

1. Madison Terrier, Staff Reporter

2. The story is about the price of senior prom tickets being ridiculously expensive and being too difficult for high school students to pay.

3. "But if you're paying $80-100 for a ticket, you should be getting more than just your entrance and a prom t-shirt." "The small fortune people are forking over to go to prom just isn't worth it. The student population needs to be taken into consideration before deciding on such an expensive event, and consequently excluding students who cannot afford to attend."\

4. They did briefly address what the other side's opinion may be on the topic.

5. They were not wishy-washy with their opinion because they put their stance on the topic forward very forcefully and did not go back on what they believed. They did address the other side, but stayed strong with their opinions.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. They wrote in 3rd person point of view.

Extinction of Handwritten Letters

1. Kristen Borrego, Staff Writer

2. The story is about how over the years people have written letters to one another less and less and instead we heavily rely on technology.

3. "A lot of people do not realize their significant, but many have never known what we are missing out on." "To this day, it is still very special and heartwarming to get a letter or a handwritten note from somebody instead of Arial font in a text. We shouldn't let them be just a part of the past."

4. They did address the other side of the argument.

5. They were not wishy-washy with their opinions. They talked about the benefits of technology, but in the end their opinions about handwritten letters stood out to be all for them and they believe in the importance of them.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. They wrote in 1st person point of view.

Why We Should Get Rid of Standardized Testing

1. Shajid Hasan, Writer

2. The story is about the cons to school administering standardized tests like the STAAR or PSAT and how the tests do not accurately display a student's abilities.

3. "We should not be working towards a system that is as flawed as this." "Standardized testing has major inherent flaws such as insufficient coursework and unhealthy competition, coupled with the fact that the benefits are almost always inconsistent, shows that there is no actual need for things like the STAAR."

4. They barely addressed the other side of the argument.

5. They were not wishy-washy with their opinions at all. They got the point across to the reader that they did not believe standardized tests were necessary or accurate and they stayed persistent on their side of the matter.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. They wrote mainly in 3rd person point of view but used the word "we" a few times making it 1st person point of view.

Personal Essays

1. What was one idea that the writer gave in the Wide Range of Topics section that you can use as you start deciding on a topic?
Make sure that it is a topic that you personally feel strongly about and can write passionately about.

2. What was one idea that the writer gave in the Opinions Pieces section that you should remember as you are writing your piece?
Details are key and they draw the reader in, so make sure to include them in your opinion piece.

3. List three suggestions the writer makes in the Personal Essays and Crafts section that you will use as you write.
- Focus on opinions and not facts
- Avoid going off on a philosophical rant and keep it personal but relating to the world
- Make sure you have a good hook that draws your reader into the essay

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users

1. Editorial

2. The story was about the FBI wanting to create a program that allows them to get into a person's phone without it being unlocked and how Apple is refusing to help.

3. "Although the phone could yield valuable information, we believe that the FBI is asking Apple for too much at the risk of all other iPhone users." "Here, the risk isn't worth the potential consequences, which would be much worse for the country and all iPhone users."

4. Yes, they addressed the other side of the topic.

5. They were not "wishy-washy" with their opinion because they were very determined to get it across to the readers that they did not agree with the opposing side of their belief at all. The quotes from question 3 support this opinion.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. They wrote in a 3rd person point of view.

Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school

1. Granger Coats

2. The story is about students being opposed to drug dogs coming into school and students feeling like it is a violation of the privacy and rights.

3. "That's why I believe the DAEP should be a punishment saved for only severe cases such as students considered a threat to the school, the well-being of students, or themselves." "The current rules and handling of student offenses is flawed."

4. They briefly addressed the other side of the topic, but focused on their argument.

5. They were not wishy-washy with their opinion and they got their point across to the reader. The student believes that students rights are being violated and he is very coherent in his opinions.

6. No, there are no quotes in the story.

7. They wrote in 1st person point of view.

Social media, back at it again

1. Alicia Molina

2. The story is about the internet sensations Daniel and Josh who made a hit video and became famous for it. They used their fame for good and donated their lifetime supply of vans to a children's hospital.

3. "I think that it's great that people are using their fame for good and they are not keeping it all to themselves, we need more people like Daniel and Josh who use their fame for good."

4. Yes, they addressed what the other side might think of the topic.

5. They were not wishy-washy about their opinion. They did address the other side of the argument, but they stayed strong on their side.

6. There are no quotes in the story, but they did cite a Tweet.

7. They wrote in 1st person point of view.

Beyonce causes controversy

1. Fuaad Ajaz

2. The story is about the controversy caused by Beyonce in the release of her music video "Formation" and the rights of whites versus the rights of people with colored skin.

3. "No one should be offended by a powerful woman using her position to defend and protect members of her race and culture." "She wants justice, and she wants everyone to have the same rights. Hopefully it all happens before she gets into formation again." "It's just wrong."

4. They briefly addressed the other side of the topic, but stayed strong-willed in their opinions.

5. They were not wishy-washy about their opinion because they were very forceful of their opinions on the topic of the controversy caused. They directly cited different instances of police brutality and other circumstances that pertained to their side of the argument.

6. There are quotes from a civil rights activist and Beyonce's song.

7. They wrote in 3rd person point of view.

Is the AP world history test worth it?

1. Mia Barbosa

2. The story is about the opportunity students have to take a test that gives them college credit for world history and if it is a good idea or worth it.

3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college." "I think that more tests like this need to be offered to students so that way they can prepare for the future better and save money." "I believe it is a great idea to try."

4. They did not really address the other side very much.

5. They were not wishy-washy with their opinion because throughout the entire article they stayed on their side of the argument and did not sway in their opinions.

6. There are no quotes in their story.

7. They wrote in 1st person point of view.

A. The major differences between a hard news story and an opinions piece are that one is biased and the other is not, hard news stories tend to have quotes and opinion pieces do not, and in an opinion piece the writer focuses on one side of the argument and a hard news story tells every side normally.
B. There are not many photos on this page because the focus of it is the opinions and debates about different topics and that does not normally require a visually representation.
C. Three topics that would be good to write an opinions piece on would be politics, the possibility of an extension to school hours, and controversial pop-cultural topics that raise different opinions.

Peer Review SoM

Paragraph - 50 points
5 Quotes - 25 points
Inverted Pyramid - 20 points
Extra Credit - 7 points
TOTAL - 102 points

Earthquake Story

Who - the citizens of San Francisco Bay
What - an earthquake
When - 8:12 a.m. Monday morning
Where - San Francisco Bay
Why - it injured many people and killed others
How - by causing buildings to fall

At 8:12 a.m. Monday morning, an earthquake shook the ground of San Francisco Bay causing many citizens to be injured or killed by falling buildings.

The Hayward firefighters used ropes to stabilize a building that collapsed and rescue six injured people inside.

"I was eating breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under the table just as I head an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window. That's when the screaming started across the street," Hayward resident Mike Beamer said.

The morning was like any other morning until the ground started to roll in the hills of Hayward.

"A building housing McHenry's Auto Supply at 2342 Plum St. partially collapsed, killing two people and injuring six others," information officer from the Hayward Fire Department Jennifer Vu said.

The earthquake caused a lot of damage but emergency workers provided help quickly and efficiently.

"Twenty-one fire personnel, twelve police and five American red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within four minutes of the quake," Vu said.

The earthquake occurred on the Hayward Fault running under the hills.

"The epicenter of the earthquake, which had a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale, was under the Hayward Hills," Penny Gertz, a scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, said.

Although there were six people injured in the building collapse, not all of them required drastic medical assistance.

"Three of the six people injured were hurt serious enough to require hospitalization and were transported to Hayward General Hospital," Vu said.

Due to the fact that the quake was high on the Richter scale, people outside of Hayward felt the rumbles of it as well.

"People as far south as Los Angeles and as far north as Redding felt the quake," Gertz said.

Huntington Story

Who - Janice Jones
What - getting shot in the leg by her dog
When - around 10 pm Wednesday
Where - Beach Boulevard in her motorhome
Why - the dog knocked the handgun off a seat and it fired
How - when it hit the floor, the gun fired

Janice Jones was reported to have been accidentally shot in the leg around 10:00 p.m. Wednesday night when her dog knocked a handgun off a seat and it fired upon hitting the ground in her motorhome in California.

The incident that happened on Beach Boulevard with Janice and her dog resulted in a trip to the hospital.

"It could have been worse. The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank," Jones said.

Jones was taken to Huntington Beach Hospital and later moved to Irvine Medical Center, but no further information was given besides that she was treated.

"Her dog knocked her 9 mm handgun off a seat. The weapon discharged when it hit the floor, and the bullet passed through Jones' leg and through the side of the vehicle," California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye said.

Upon investigating the dog situation, the animal control officers found that the Pomeranian named Tombo was malnourished and had cigarette burns on its forehead.

"It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops," animal control officer Janet Ngo said.

Friday, April 8, 2016

News Values

UT community packs vigil for slain student

This article is driven by timeliness because the event of the vigil happened just last night (April 7), so it is a very new story. The facts of the story were gathered quickly and made into a story that is interesting and that happened very recently.
The wind could be heard rustling in the trees around the more than 1,000 people who had packed the grassy clearing in the University of Texas’ East Mall, in the heart of the campus.

Lake Travis, at 25-1-0, rides defense to playoffs

This article is driven by proximity because the school it is referring to is very close to Austin school  district and this is an Austin newspaper. The location of the article is in Austin, and this makes the article interesting to the viewers because the viewers will most likely be from Austin as well.
As Spring Westfield’s soccer players swept down the field during an area-round playoff match a week ago, Lake Travis goalkeeper Chris Daves shifted his eyes intently from player to player as he sized up the possible angles of attack.

Radicalization of a Belgium Student Turned Bomb Maker Was Invisible

This article is driven by prominence because it is a very newsworthy topic and something that should be apparent to the public. It is further discussing the attacks in other countries and this is very important information because everyone is curious and should be aware of it.

Belgian Police Release New Video of Brussels Airport Suspect

This article is driven by impact because it has an effect on all audiences because the Brussels attack affected many countries around the world. The article is about a suspect for the attack and this is interesting to all who were involved and those who were not involved because it was an worldwide disaster and everyone was upset.

ISIS Abducts Workers From Cement Factory in Syria

This article is driven by conflict because it is discussing the very serious and real problem of ISIS and one of many of the problems they are causing in Syria. The article talks about the people kidnapping at least 170 workers and this is an example of two opposing forces colliding.

Human Interest
Risk of Collapse at Jesus' Tomb Unites Rival Christians

This article is driven by human interest because it involves the drama of opposing sides of Christianity coming together to avoid the collapse of an important structure. The story causes interest in the viewers because of the religious drama and emotional struggle.

Cambodia to Bring Wild Tigers From Abroad in Fight Against Extinction

This article is driven by novelty because it is not a human issue, but it sparks interest in people because it is an unusual and interesting story. The story of people planning to fight the extinction of the tigers in Cambodia does not directly pertain to people around the world, but enough people care about to issue to read the article and learn more about it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who - Yelenna James
What - Student of the month award
Where - James Bowie High School
When - This past month
Why - Due to outstanding performance in school
How - Through dedication and perseverance and careful choosing of the student

Yellana James, a sophomore at Bowie High School, was given the student of the month award in March due to her outstanding performance in school and through her dedication.

The student of the month award is something that many high-achieving students work towards, and James's hard-work allowed her to win the past month.

"It was all really nerve-racking throughout the whole thing, but it was all worth it." James recalled when asked about the entire experience.

Bowie's principle, Mr. Kane, is the one who chooses the student of the month.

"I saw something in Yelenna that I knew was worthy of the award," Mr. Kane stated. "Her excellent grades combined with her hectic schedule proved that she was the right person to win student of the month."

Only certain students can achieve this goal of winning the award, and it requires certain ideals and personality traits.

"I worked the hardest and put all my work into becoming the student of the month," James said when prompted about why she thought she won. "Putting the effort and hard work into it and being involved with school I think is what caused me to win."

Being a social person, James keeps herself busy by participating in school activities, organizations, and clubs.

"I am involved in theatre, softball, and I'm on the student council," James said.

A busy schedule like James's is difficult to manage, but she does it in an amazing way, balancing homework, extracurriculars, and every day life.

"I just try to manage my time and do my homework in the time I have between school," James reported.

The student of the month award is very important and is helpful for students later in life.

"It is something that is not taken lightly around here," president of the AISD Board of Trustees, Kendall Pace stated. "The award is only given to student who are dedicated, excel in school, and persevere through difficult times."

James's teachers have been a huge help throughout her high school career in helping her work towards her ultimate goal of the student of the month award.

"Yelenna is a very hard-working student who is willing to not give up in hard times," English teacher Christopher Smith said.

The principle, board of trustees, and teachers of Yelenna all agree that the student of the month award can be helpful to her in her future, especially if she won more than once in her academic career.

"I feel like it would be a great achievement in life, and help me in the future," James said.

The family and friends of Yelenna were all very happy for her and they cannot wait to see what the future hold for her.

"I'm going to try my best to win it again," James said. "I'll do the same as before, but try harder and take on more work."

Monday, April 4, 2016

Inverted Pyramid

My First Interview

Interview with Yelenna James, 10th grader

1. Did you suspect that you would be awarded this and who did you think would win?
"No, I did not think I would've won. I would've thought someone in a grade level above me would've won"

2. What was your reaction when you found out?
"I was really surprised, but at the same time I was really happy and excited to see what would happen later on."

3. How did your family react to the news?
"They were really excited for me and proud of me."

4. Why do you think you got the student of the month award?
"Because I worked the hardest and put all my work into becoming student of the month."

5. How do you think this will affect you?
"I think it will affect me in a good way, to put on my applications for college."

6. Do you think anyone will treat you differently because of it? How so?
"Teachers will treat me with more respect, but my friends will treat me the same."

7. What do you think caused you to win?
"Putting the effort and hard-work into it and being involved with the school I think is what caused me to win."

8. How did your friends react to the news?
"They were excited, but not as excited as my family. They just thought it was really cool."

9. What is your favorite/best subject in school?
"My favorite subject is English"

10. Do you prefer academic classes or electives and why?
"I prefer elective classes because they are more helpful for the future and they are more fun to be in."

11. Are you involved in a lot of extracurricular or outside of school activities? What?
"Yes, I am involved in theatre, softball, and I'm on the student council."

12. How do you manage your homework load along with every day life?
"I just try to manage my time and do my homework in the time I have between school."

13. What are your strengths in school?
"Being able to focus and studying."

14. What are your weaknesses in school?
 "My friends, being able to hang out with them and getting carried away and forgetting to do my work."

15. How are your grades in your classes and what do you do to maintain them?
"My grades are a little above average. I try to manage my work with time and do the best I can."

16. What do you think it would feel like to be awarded this accomplishment multiple times?
"I feel like it would be a great achievement in life and help me in the future."

17. Will you try to win student of the month again? What will you do to accomplish it?
"I'm going to try my best to win it again. I'll do the same as before, but try harder and take on more work."

18. What was the entire experience like for you?
"It was all really nerve-racking throughout the whole thing, but it was all worth it."

19. Has your attitude towards the award changed since you won it? How so?
"No,  my attitude has not changed towards the award."

20. What qualities do you possess that help you in school?
"I am a hard-worker, a good student, I don't cause trouble in class, and I participate in class activities."

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Student of the Month Interview

1. Did you suspect that you would be awarded this and who did you think would win?
2. What was your reaction when you found out?
3. How did your family react to the news?
4. Why do you think you got the student of the month award?
5. How do you think this will affect you?
6. Do you think anyone will treat you differently because of it? How so?
7. What do you think caused you to win?
8. How did your friends react to the news?
9. What is your favorite/best subject in school?
10. Do you prefer academic classes or electives and why?
11. Are you involved in a lot of extracurricular or outside of school activities? What?
12. How do you manage your homework load along with every day life?
13. What are your strengths in school?
14. What are your weaknesses in school?
15. How are your grades in your classes and what do you do to maintain them?
16. What do you think it would feel like to be awarded this accomplishment multiple times?
17. Will you try to win student of the month again? What will you do to accomplish it?
18. What was the entire experience like for you?
19. Has your attitude towards the award changed since you won it? How so?
20. What qualities do you possess that help you in school?

Learning How to Interview: Assignment #1

School Uniforms

1. The principle of the school
2. The teachers of the school
3. The counselors of the school

1. How do you feel about the new policy of enforcing uniforms?
2. Do you think it was a good idea and why?
3. Did this come as a surprise to you and how long have you known about the policy change?
4. What changes or difficulties will the students face with the policy in place?
5. Is everyone on the school board happy about the change and who is not?
6. Why do you think the school board decided to make this change to the policies?
7. Do you think the rule will be followed by the students?
8. When does the new policy begin in the schools?
9. How does the policy make the students feel?
10. What are the uniforms going to look like?
11. What caused the district to change their policy?
12. How will the rule of uniforms be enforced?
13. Why do you think the students might be against the new policy?
14. Why do you think the students might be for the new policy?
15. How will the policy affect the staff of the schools?
16. How will the students who are against the policy be handled?
17. Do you foresee more district-wide changes in the future and what would they be?
18. How long was this topic debated before the policy was put in place?
19. What are the good things about this policy?
20. What are the bad things about this policy?

Architecture Shoot




Angles and Shapes


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Portfolio Analysis

Part 1 - Portfolios 

Alyssa Schukar
General focus: Stories
Problems: not enough close up pictures; not enough strong singles; the not so great pictures took away from the great ones

Likes: they liked the few strong images, especially the singles; the images with new/different angles 
Impression: My overall impression of the photographer was not great. She had some very good pictures but for the most part her image were all very similar and not as interesting to look at as some others. The story was also sad, which made it not as fun to look at as well. I did like a few of her more optimistic pictures, but the majority of the images I did not really like.

Sam Adams
General focus: sports and every day life/photojournalism
Problems: the pictures did not "do" anything for the judges; not great lighting; compositions are not that great; distractions in the background and foreground
Likes: good ideas behind the photos; good silhouette pictures
Impression: My overall impression of the photographer was not great but better than the first one. I liked the ideas behind his photos, but he just did not quite capture the moments right. The one thing I could not look past was all the distractions in the background and foreground that took away from what could have been a cool image. I did not like how the picture story did not really follow a story. The photographer has the right idea, but he just needs to take better images to capture the moments in the best way.

Jordan Murph
General focus: sports
Problems: repetition of photos; lack of subjects/players in some images; not strong enough pictures; pictures that did not belong in the portfolio were there; artificial action
Likes: the liked the sports images and the angels chosen; good lighting and composition; good singles
Impression: My overall impression of the photographer is pretty good. I enjoyed viewing his single photos and I liked their compositions are use of lighting. The only downfall in his images were his picture stories. They were not good at all, did not use good lighting, did not use good compositions or rules of photography, and overall were boring to look at. His picture stories did not tell a story which was pointless. Besides his stories, he had extremely good photos that were very interesting to look at.

Dustin Snipes
Strengths: shooting at the right angles; good compositions; the people in the photos were all doing something; nice blurs; captured good moments; creative photos; right in the middle of the action
My take: Some strengths that I saw in the winner's portfolio were good use of composition and lighting. I thought the photographer had a well thought out story behind each photo and they were all interring to look at. Another strength was how the photographer managed to capture a bunch of key moments in the perfect way. One weakness that I saw was how some images were too photoshopped. Also, I did not like how many pictures were mostly blurred because to me it took away from the subject of the photo.

Recap Video
Choosing process: To choose the winner the judges looked at all the portfolios and discussed what they liked and did not like and then they would eliminate the ones they did not like. They talked about it and heard each other out, and then came to an agreement. Each judge was completely honest and this helped the process of choosing the winner. They narrowed it down to two portfolios and discussed each one in detail to choose the winner.

Part 2 - Individual Images

1. One photo that I agree with the judges on is the tennis photo from part 2 of the person in red rejoicing. Both the judges and I liked this image because it was cropped nicely and it tells a story. Also, I liked it because the story it tells is emotional and overall the image is very interesting to look at.
2. One photo that I do not agree with the judges on is the goose photo from parts 5 and 6. All the judges really liked this photo and while it is a good photo it is not my favorite. I disagree with the judges on this one because I think there were other photos in that category that deserved first place and not the goose image. The photographer did catch a very interesting moment, but I feel as though there are better stories and overall better photos in some of the other images.