Tuesday, April 19, 2016

SNO Online Papers

Prom expenses are too much for students

1. Madison Terrier, Staff Reporter

2. The story is about the price of senior prom tickets being ridiculously expensive and being too difficult for high school students to pay.

3. "But if you're paying $80-100 for a ticket, you should be getting more than just your entrance and a prom t-shirt." "The small fortune people are forking over to go to prom just isn't worth it. The student population needs to be taken into consideration before deciding on such an expensive event, and consequently excluding students who cannot afford to attend."\

4. They did briefly address what the other side's opinion may be on the topic.

5. They were not wishy-washy with their opinion because they put their stance on the topic forward very forcefully and did not go back on what they believed. They did address the other side, but stayed strong with their opinions.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. They wrote in 3rd person point of view.

Extinction of Handwritten Letters

1. Kristen Borrego, Staff Writer

2. The story is about how over the years people have written letters to one another less and less and instead we heavily rely on technology.

3. "A lot of people do not realize their significant, but many have never known what we are missing out on." "To this day, it is still very special and heartwarming to get a letter or a handwritten note from somebody instead of Arial font in a text. We shouldn't let them be just a part of the past."

4. They did address the other side of the argument.

5. They were not wishy-washy with their opinions. They talked about the benefits of technology, but in the end their opinions about handwritten letters stood out to be all for them and they believe in the importance of them.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. They wrote in 1st person point of view.

Why We Should Get Rid of Standardized Testing

1. Shajid Hasan, Writer

2. The story is about the cons to school administering standardized tests like the STAAR or PSAT and how the tests do not accurately display a student's abilities.

3. "We should not be working towards a system that is as flawed as this." "Standardized testing has major inherent flaws such as insufficient coursework and unhealthy competition, coupled with the fact that the benefits are almost always inconsistent, shows that there is no actual need for things like the STAAR."

4. They barely addressed the other side of the argument.

5. They were not wishy-washy with their opinions at all. They got the point across to the reader that they did not believe standardized tests were necessary or accurate and they stayed persistent on their side of the matter.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. They wrote mainly in 3rd person point of view but used the word "we" a few times making it 1st person point of view.

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