Friday, April 22, 2016

Final Exam and iMovie Preview

Website #1

1. The video walked you through an introduction into iMovie. The woman speaking showed you the different parts of iMovie and what each allowed you to do and fully explained it as well. She showed you a few different ways to do actions, like playing a video.
    The woman explained what each button did and how to use them and she walked you through a tutorial on how to create a new movie. She showed you how to rearrange the clips, delete the clips, extend or shorten the clips, and what dragging and/or highlighting the clips did. To retrieve a deleted clip, she showed you where to navigate to and how to get back a clip you wished you did not delete. Finally she showed you how to add a variety of effects and see them in preview mode, how to export the movie so that other people can watch it, how to save the movie, and how to export the file so that it can be seen on applications other than iMovie.

2. One thing that I already knew that the website explained, was how to create a new movie and add clips.

3. A new thing I learned was how to export the file so that it may be seen outside of iMovie.

4. One thing that I'm concerned about with this final project is being able to find an interesting story to capture and being able to tell it fully.

5. Something that I can complete early and have ready to use is my story idea and easy clips like the title.

6. If you were to ask me today, I think I would choose to do a story of a recipe, an actual photoshoot with a professional photographer, prom dress shopping, or a sporting event.

Website #2

1. The website tutorial walked you through, in words, how to navigate iMovie in order to get the results you want. It gave you step-by-step instructions on how to load a new movie, name the project, start placing clips, extending/shortening/editing clips, and deleting clips/projects. One page talked about things like sounds, transitions, and titles and how to add them and what types you could do of each.
    Since there was no video with these instructions, the writer of it had to fully explain how to do each action and they did. They discussed how to make clip adjustments like trimming them, adding a voiceover, adding music, and recording your voice to add into the iMovie. The website had all the information a beginner would need to create a new iMovie project and was helpful.

2. One thing I already knew that the website explained was how to add in music to your iMovie project.

3. Something new I learned was how to record your voice to add into the movie.

4. One thing that I'm concerned about with this final project is being able to find an interesting story to capture and being able to tell it fully.

5. Something that I can complete early and have ready to use is my story idea and easy clips like the title.

6. If you were to ask me today, I think I would choose to do a story of a recipe, an actual photoshoot with a professional photographer, prom dress shopping, or a sporting event.

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