Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Student of the Month Interview

1. Did you suspect that you would be awarded this and who did you think would win?
2. What was your reaction when you found out?
3. How did your family react to the news?
4. Why do you think you got the student of the month award?
5. How do you think this will affect you?
6. Do you think anyone will treat you differently because of it? How so?
7. What do you think caused you to win?
8. How did your friends react to the news?
9. What is your favorite/best subject in school?
10. Do you prefer academic classes or electives and why?
11. Are you involved in a lot of extracurricular or outside of school activities? What?
12. How do you manage your homework load along with every day life?
13. What are your strengths in school?
14. What are your weaknesses in school?
15. How are your grades in your classes and what do you do to maintain them?
16. What do you think it would feel like to be awarded this accomplishment multiple times?
17. Will you try to win student of the month again? What will you do to accomplish it?
18. What was the entire experience like for you?
19. Has your attitude towards the award changed since you won it? How so?
20. What qualities do you possess that help you in school?

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