Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who - Yelenna James
What - Student of the month award
Where - James Bowie High School
When - This past month
Why - Due to outstanding performance in school
How - Through dedication and perseverance and careful choosing of the student

Yellana James, a sophomore at Bowie High School, was given the student of the month award in March due to her outstanding performance in school and through her dedication.

The student of the month award is something that many high-achieving students work towards, and James's hard-work allowed her to win the past month.

"It was all really nerve-racking throughout the whole thing, but it was all worth it." James recalled when asked about the entire experience.

Bowie's principle, Mr. Kane, is the one who chooses the student of the month.

"I saw something in Yelenna that I knew was worthy of the award," Mr. Kane stated. "Her excellent grades combined with her hectic schedule proved that she was the right person to win student of the month."

Only certain students can achieve this goal of winning the award, and it requires certain ideals and personality traits.

"I worked the hardest and put all my work into becoming the student of the month," James said when prompted about why she thought she won. "Putting the effort and hard work into it and being involved with school I think is what caused me to win."

Being a social person, James keeps herself busy by participating in school activities, organizations, and clubs.

"I am involved in theatre, softball, and I'm on the student council," James said.

A busy schedule like James's is difficult to manage, but she does it in an amazing way, balancing homework, extracurriculars, and every day life.

"I just try to manage my time and do my homework in the time I have between school," James reported.

The student of the month award is very important and is helpful for students later in life.

"It is something that is not taken lightly around here," president of the AISD Board of Trustees, Kendall Pace stated. "The award is only given to student who are dedicated, excel in school, and persevere through difficult times."

James's teachers have been a huge help throughout her high school career in helping her work towards her ultimate goal of the student of the month award.

"Yelenna is a very hard-working student who is willing to not give up in hard times," English teacher Christopher Smith said.

The principle, board of trustees, and teachers of Yelenna all agree that the student of the month award can be helpful to her in her future, especially if she won more than once in her academic career.

"I feel like it would be a great achievement in life, and help me in the future," James said.

The family and friends of Yelenna were all very happy for her and they cannot wait to see what the future hold for her.

"I'm going to try my best to win it again," James said. "I'll do the same as before, but try harder and take on more work."

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