Monday, April 4, 2016

My First Interview

Interview with Yelenna James, 10th grader

1. Did you suspect that you would be awarded this and who did you think would win?
"No, I did not think I would've won. I would've thought someone in a grade level above me would've won"

2. What was your reaction when you found out?
"I was really surprised, but at the same time I was really happy and excited to see what would happen later on."

3. How did your family react to the news?
"They were really excited for me and proud of me."

4. Why do you think you got the student of the month award?
"Because I worked the hardest and put all my work into becoming student of the month."

5. How do you think this will affect you?
"I think it will affect me in a good way, to put on my applications for college."

6. Do you think anyone will treat you differently because of it? How so?
"Teachers will treat me with more respect, but my friends will treat me the same."

7. What do you think caused you to win?
"Putting the effort and hard-work into it and being involved with the school I think is what caused me to win."

8. How did your friends react to the news?
"They were excited, but not as excited as my family. They just thought it was really cool."

9. What is your favorite/best subject in school?
"My favorite subject is English"

10. Do you prefer academic classes or electives and why?
"I prefer elective classes because they are more helpful for the future and they are more fun to be in."

11. Are you involved in a lot of extracurricular or outside of school activities? What?
"Yes, I am involved in theatre, softball, and I'm on the student council."

12. How do you manage your homework load along with every day life?
"I just try to manage my time and do my homework in the time I have between school."

13. What are your strengths in school?
"Being able to focus and studying."

14. What are your weaknesses in school?
 "My friends, being able to hang out with them and getting carried away and forgetting to do my work."

15. How are your grades in your classes and what do you do to maintain them?
"My grades are a little above average. I try to manage my work with time and do the best I can."

16. What do you think it would feel like to be awarded this accomplishment multiple times?
"I feel like it would be a great achievement in life and help me in the future."

17. Will you try to win student of the month again? What will you do to accomplish it?
"I'm going to try my best to win it again. I'll do the same as before, but try harder and take on more work."

18. What was the entire experience like for you?
"It was all really nerve-racking throughout the whole thing, but it was all worth it."

19. Has your attitude towards the award changed since you won it? How so?
"No,  my attitude has not changed towards the award."

20. What qualities do you possess that help you in school?
"I am a hard-worker, a good student, I don't cause trouble in class, and I participate in class activities."

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