Wednesday, April 20, 2016

My Opinions Story

Extending School Hours

High school students in Austin are in school for 7 hours and 20 minutes 5 days a week, yet the school boards across the Unites States are discussing the idea of extending school hours for the 2016-17 school year. However, increasing time in school would not be the best decision.

            With school starting at 9:00 a.m. and ending at 4:20 p.m., students who go to public high school in Austin do not normally get home until around 5:00 p.m.. Having only a few hours after school to get through traffic, complete homework, eat dinner, and relax, the students already tend to struggle to complete everything on time.

            If the school board were to extend school days, they would be able to avoid making up missed days due to weather or other circumstances. Although not having to make up these days would be ideal, the majority of students would agree that it would be worse to have longer school hours.

            If students were required to be at school longer, they would have more time in class, which could result in better learning. However, if they had to be at school with the entirety of the student body congregation, there would be fewer opportunities for one-on-one tutoring that many students need.

            The people who support the extension of school hours and days say that they want the students to have longer times for learning, but according to USA Today the executive director of The Coalition for a Traditional School Calendar Tina Bruno said that ‘If we are really concerned and feel kids need more academic time, we can better use the time we have.’

            I believe that the public schools would better benefit from keeping the school hours as they are because the students would have more time outside of school to do homework, get tutoring if necessary, and participate in extracurricular activities.
            Another possibility that has been discussed is the removal of a few of the students’ late start days and this would help with the issue of make-up days.

If they were to take away some of the late starts, they could solve the problem without having to add extra hours. Although students would prefer their late starts to not be taken from them, having hours added every school day would be much worse.

            There are solutions to the issue of make-up days that do not require late starts to be taken from the students.

             If the board were to follow through on this plan to extend school hours and days, the students would spend about 224 additional hours and 4 more days on the school premises according to USA Today. This means that the students would lose that much time that they could be getting one-on-one help, doing their assigned homework, and doing things that every teenager should do like hanging out with friends.

When that option is taken away from us, we won’t function as well and students’ attitudes toward school will become more negative than ever.

            The extension of school hours is not necessary and in the end, it would cause more problems than it would fix.

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