Thursday, April 14, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

Apple refuses to violate privacy of users

1. Editorial

2. The story was about the FBI wanting to create a program that allows them to get into a person's phone without it being unlocked and how Apple is refusing to help.

3. "Although the phone could yield valuable information, we believe that the FBI is asking Apple for too much at the risk of all other iPhone users." "Here, the risk isn't worth the potential consequences, which would be much worse for the country and all iPhone users."

4. Yes, they addressed the other side of the topic.

5. They were not "wishy-washy" with their opinion because they were very determined to get it across to the readers that they did not agree with the opposing side of their belief at all. The quotes from question 3 support this opinion.

6. There are no quotes in the story.

7. They wrote in a 3rd person point of view.

Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school

1. Granger Coats

2. The story is about students being opposed to drug dogs coming into school and students feeling like it is a violation of the privacy and rights.

3. "That's why I believe the DAEP should be a punishment saved for only severe cases such as students considered a threat to the school, the well-being of students, or themselves." "The current rules and handling of student offenses is flawed."

4. They briefly addressed the other side of the topic, but focused on their argument.

5. They were not wishy-washy with their opinion and they got their point across to the reader. The student believes that students rights are being violated and he is very coherent in his opinions.

6. No, there are no quotes in the story.

7. They wrote in 1st person point of view.

Social media, back at it again

1. Alicia Molina

2. The story is about the internet sensations Daniel and Josh who made a hit video and became famous for it. They used their fame for good and donated their lifetime supply of vans to a children's hospital.

3. "I think that it's great that people are using their fame for good and they are not keeping it all to themselves, we need more people like Daniel and Josh who use their fame for good."

4. Yes, they addressed what the other side might think of the topic.

5. They were not wishy-washy about their opinion. They did address the other side of the argument, but they stayed strong on their side.

6. There are no quotes in the story, but they did cite a Tweet.

7. They wrote in 1st person point of view.

Beyonce causes controversy

1. Fuaad Ajaz

2. The story is about the controversy caused by Beyonce in the release of her music video "Formation" and the rights of whites versus the rights of people with colored skin.

3. "No one should be offended by a powerful woman using her position to defend and protect members of her race and culture." "She wants justice, and she wants everyone to have the same rights. Hopefully it all happens before she gets into formation again." "It's just wrong."

4. They briefly addressed the other side of the topic, but stayed strong-willed in their opinions.

5. They were not wishy-washy about their opinion because they were very forceful of their opinions on the topic of the controversy caused. They directly cited different instances of police brutality and other circumstances that pertained to their side of the argument.

6. There are quotes from a civil rights activist and Beyonce's song.

7. They wrote in 3rd person point of view.

Is the AP world history test worth it?

1. Mia Barbosa

2. The story is about the opportunity students have to take a test that gives them college credit for world history and if it is a good idea or worth it.

3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college." "I think that more tests like this need to be offered to students so that way they can prepare for the future better and save money." "I believe it is a great idea to try."

4. They did not really address the other side very much.

5. They were not wishy-washy with their opinion because throughout the entire article they stayed on their side of the argument and did not sway in their opinions.

6. There are no quotes in their story.

7. They wrote in 1st person point of view.

A. The major differences between a hard news story and an opinions piece are that one is biased and the other is not, hard news stories tend to have quotes and opinion pieces do not, and in an opinion piece the writer focuses on one side of the argument and a hard news story tells every side normally.
B. There are not many photos on this page because the focus of it is the opinions and debates about different topics and that does not normally require a visually representation.
C. Three topics that would be good to write an opinions piece on would be politics, the possibility of an extension to school hours, and controversial pop-cultural topics that raise different opinions.

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