Monday, October 26, 2015

Funny Captions

In the streets of Venice, Louis Caster soulfully sings his heart out as he plays a melodious tune on his accordion. After he had been asked to leave the restaurant he performed at, Louis moved his show to outside of the store in a protest.

Staying beset friends for seventy years, Maybell Smith scolds Gloria McCormick for ruining their photo session in California. Although Maybell was legally blind at the time the picture was taken, she still felt her friend's bunny-eared hand as it crept to the peak of her snowy head and Mrs. Smith was upset because she wanted a decent picture of her and Mrs. McCormick.

Susie Norman goes to the mall at least twice at week, but during this visit an officer politely asks Mrs. Norman to leave the premises of the candy store because she is disrupting the customer service. Believing she has a health condition where she needs to eat sugar constantly, which she does not actually have, Susie loudly protested about leaving the store and this resulted in her being placed in the "out of control" area.

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