Friday, October 16, 2015

Mural Project

  1. A possible theme that we could use in our school to create panels like the ones on the site would be to focus in on the diversity of Bowie. Our high school is full of many different clubs, class choices, ethnicities, personalities, and characteristics. Using this theme we would be able to get a mural of pictures that were all very different from each other, but when they are placed together they create something amazingly beautiful.
  2. When taking the pictures for these panels, we should let people take photos with their cameras and phones so that the people who do not own cameras would be able to contribute. Opening up the panels' pictures to cameras and not only phones would result in the pictures being better quality.
  3. I would want to put our mural up either near the library between A hall and F hall, or put it up inside of the library. I like these places because there are always many people around those areas so the mural would be constantly viewed and admired.

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