Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

  1. One of the challenges I encountered was finding an interesting academic class to go into and take photos of. It was hard to take that first step and enter into a room and start shooting. Another difficulty I ran into was trying to avoid having a very busy background that had a lot of people/objects in it. It was hard to take photos that did not have a lot of different things in the background that distracted from the subject(s).
  2. I found myself thinking the most about the focus of my camera during the shoot. I wanted my photos to be perfectly in focus and my camera would not always focus how I wanted it to. In order to do this correctly, I would switch my camera to manual focus if it was not focusing how I wanted it to. This let me focus the camera on the subject I wanted without very many further difficulties.
  3. If I could do this photo shoot again, there are a few things I would do differently. For one, I would go into more classrooms and not just stick to mainly the theater room. If I did that, I would get more of a variety of photos to choose from. I would also focus more on the rules of photography and prioritize that.
  4. One thing I would do the same was continue to direct my attention towards the focus of my camera. I would want my photos to turn out completely focused on the subject. I would also still go into the theatre class, but just not spend as much time in there as I did.
  5. During the next prompt shoot, I think the easiest rule to achieve would be the rule of thirds. I think it would be the easiest because I just involved shifting the camera to make your subject a little off center to provide the viewer with a more interesting photo to look at.
  6. The hardest rule to capture would be framing. This would be the hardest because it is difficult to find natural framing in the world that does not look like it was placed there purposefully. I would want a very natural looking frame, and those would be hard to find.
  7. There are not really any rules that I am unclear about. I understand them all and how to obtain the rules, but I just need to incorporate them more into my photos. They will make my photos more interesting to view and look at.

These photos were very interesting to look at because they were pretty unique and they were also pleasing to the eye. I especially liked the one of the paintbrushes because it was in very good focus and she used the rule of thirds very well in it. All the photos were focused nicely. One thing that she could do differently would be adding people into the pictures. Since it was a academic shoot, it would have been nice to see the people's faces/expressions while they were drawing, painting, or sculpting. 

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