Friday, October 16, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1. The first thing that caught my eye in these photographer's (Andre Kertesz) photos were the simplicity of them. Andre took pictures of people in their everyday lives and the result was amazing. The pictures are so simple but so intriguing. I chose these particular photos because I really like the content of them. In both photos, the subject(s) are playing an instrument out on the streets and I found that very interesting to look at.

2. The senses 
For the first/top photo:
I see a man who I sharing the joy of music with his two boys. He looks very happy to be able to play his instrument for his sons. The boys look very serious and it seems like they know how important music is to their father.
I smell the dusty streets of this small town. I can also smell the sweat and dirtiness of these people who are viewed in the photograph. The street give off a smell of a farm and I can smell the dirt.
I hear the sweet sound of the man's instrument as he plays for his boys. The melodious tune carries through the surrounding streets. The sounds of glee from the young boys as they proudly watch their father play for them.
I taste dirt on my tongue. As I inhale the dust particles land on my tongue while we stand out on the streets. Also, the taste of the sweet music courses through my body as we are listening.
I feel the smooth body of the man's instrument and its gleaming surface feels cool to the touch. I feel the arms of the young boys wrap around me as they give me a sweet farewell hug. I feel the course, rough hands of the man of the man as he firmly shakes my hand.

For the second/bottom photo:
I see the passion in the musician's face as he plays his accordion. I see the business of the streets where he is playing. The man's wife is very dutiful and cares deeply about her husband and she wants to help him pursue his musical career.
I smell the busy streets of the city as people pass by. I can smell the fumes that were given off by passing cars on the roads. In addition, I can also smell the people surrounding me and their anticipation to get to work or wherever they are going.
I hear the tune of the man's accordion. I can hear the deep bellowing voice of the man as he sings out his heart. As people pass by, I hear the consistent patter of footsteps on the concrete and asphalt.
I taste the fumes of the cars and factories in the air. When I breathe, I can taste the salt on my tongue from the sweat because of the hot day. Finally, I can taste sweet water going down my throat as I rehydrate myself due to the hot sun.
I feel the hard, solid concrete below me as I listen to the man's song. I can feel many people brushing up against me as they hurry to get to work. I can feel the vibrations of the man's music through the ground as he belts out his beautiful and heartfelt song.

3. I would like to create a blog about Andre Kertesz to share with the world the wonders of his photography. On a blog, I would be able to post his photos and write about them.

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