Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Africa and Abandoned Theme Parks


1. I absolutely loved looking at these pictures of animals from the African safari. My reaction to them was just sheer amazement at the natural beauty of these deserted places. I enjoyed reading about how these photos were managed to be captured and the dedication of the photographer as he waited for the perfect moment to snap a gorgeous picture of the African wildlife. Overall, the slideshow of photos grabbed my attention and held it there because they were undeniably wonderful.


3. In this photos, a lion and a lioness are pictured in a beautiful and intimate way. They look as though they truly love one another and the male is pictured as being protective over his woman. This photo is my favorite of Nick Brandt's because of the natural beauty and innocence of the lions.

4. One rule of photography depicted in this photo is simplicity. The lions are the only things viewed in the photo, and they draw the attention of straight to them. There is also balance in the photo because there are two lions each on one side and they balance each other out.

5. Nick uses a Pentax 67II with only two fixed lenses. This is important because he does not use a telephoto lens due to the fact that he wanted more of the sky and landscape in his slideshow of pictures.

6. Nick's reason for taking these photos is to reveal the personalities of the African animals. He wants to display to the world the beauty of these barren places.

7. His hopes in taking these photos is to create an emotional connection with the viewers in conveying the African wildlife. He wanted to show how small the differences are between humans and animals.

8. "My images are unashamedly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. They're my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing." -Nick Brandt

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. Of all the abandoned theme parks I viewed, the one I would want to visit to take pictures would be Spreepark in Berlin, Germany. I liked this one for photography because not only are the park attractions amazing to look at, but the scenery is also gorgeous in the background. When I was looking at the photos of this park, I loved all the animals incorporated into the rides. Throughout the beautiful park, there was horses, swans, cats, and even dinosaurs. Back in the time when this theme park was still open, the statues of creatures would have attracted a lot of attention from children. The park and scenery combined would provide a very interesting photography opportunity.


3.  Five other unusual places that would be of interest to photographers would include the black sand beach in Hawaii, the glass sand beach in California, Honghe Hani Rice Terraces in China, Juizhai Valley National Park in China, and abandoned hotels around the world.


5. I think it would be fun to document the Juizhai Valley National Park in China for many reasons. For one, it is absolutely beautiful scenery and I am sure it is even more stunning in person. The area would be interesting to take photos at because the waters are so clear in the park and this makes amazing pictures. The entire park is full of undisturbed, natural beauty and it would be wonderful to capture images of it. I could expect to take photos of still water in China and the photos would come out very unique to view.

6. In order to actually take photos of the Juizhai Valley National Park, I would need quite a bit of  money for traveling due to the fact that it is in China. Because it is halfway across the world, I would need money for place tickets, transportation, food, hotels, and more. For equipment, I would need a good camera that had a very good focus. I might also need a tripod to make sure my photos do not turn out blurry. I would have to take in account for some rules about shooting a National Park. If I wanted to use any props or sets, I would need a permit and I would also need a permit for using a model in the park.

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