Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic Shoot

For this photo, I used the rule of simplicity. I used this rule by making the only main subject of the photo the two boys. By making them one of the only things in the photo, I simplified the overall picture. The subject is the two boys who are hanging on one another. When a person looks at my photo, the subject is very apparent because it is the main part of the picture.

In this photo, I used the rule of lines. The people standing together create a line that leads to the two subjects of this photo, which are the boy faking a punch and the girl who is on the receiving end of the playful hit. It is very clear what my subject is in this photo because they are in the foreground and they take up over half of the frame.

In this photo, I also used simplicity. It is the rule of simplicity because the subject, which is the girl at the computer, is the only person in the photo and she takes up about half of the frame. There is not too much going on around her and in the background, so a viewer's eyes would be directed towards the subject. This makes the subject very clear and apparent to a person looking at the photo.

This photo followed the rule of balance because there is equal "weight" on both sides of the photo. There is one girl on the left-hand side and one on the right-hand side. This creates a balance in the photo. The subject of this picture is the girl who is facing the camera and wearing the tiara. She is obviously the subject to any viewer because she is the only face you can see fully and this draws the attention to her. 

For this photo, I also used the rule of balance. There are two people on the left-hand side and two on the right causing an equal balance on both sides of the picture. There are multiple subjects in the photo and they are all four students sitting at the front desk. The subjects are the boy in the red shorts, the boy sitting next to him in a black shirt, the boy in the yellow hoodie, and the girl with the black shirt and jean shorts. The subject is pretty clear in this photo because they are all in the foreground and there are not very many other people in the background, so the viewer's eyes are drawn towards the students sitting at the desks.


  1. I love all the expressions on the students faces because it adds emotion and interest to the photo.

  2. you did really good on how you show the subject and how there can be lines not just in shapes.But you went above that and showed people an other way of thinking how to show lines

  3. I really liked how a lot of your photos focused on the expression of the subject. I thought that was unique and appealing to look at.
