Friday, March 11, 2016

Architecture Preview

Hundertwasserhaus (Forest Spiral, The Hundertwasser Building), Germany

1. Heinz M. Springmann was the architect.
2. It was built in the 1990's and completed in 2000.
3. It is located in Darmstadt, Germany.
4. It is a building you can visit, but it is for owners of apartments, so it is a private building.
5. I could not find any information on how much it coast to build.
6. This building was created for residency because it is an apartment complex.
7. I chose this building because it is extremely unique in its architecture and design. While reading about it, I discovered that in this building there are no to windows alike. Every single one of the windows are unique and there are absolutely no duplicates. The entirety of the structure is fascinating to look at because it is a U-shaped building that has different numbers of stories at different sections. I picked this building because it was very interesting to learn about and it is a very cool structure to look at.

Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland

1. The building was designed by Szotyńscy & Zaleski.
2. It was built in 2004.
3. It is located in Sopot, Poland.
4. The building is not private and you can visit it.
5. I could not find any information on how much it coast to build.
6. The building was created in a shopping center for public use and is now occupied by a pub.
7. I chose this building because of how unique it is. I enjoy looking at funky buildings because the architecture is extremely interesting and fun to look at. This building in particular is interesting because it does not look real but instead it looks like an optical illusion or something through a funhouse mirror. I picked this building because of the sheer weirdness and illusion it has created by looking at it. 

Habitat 67, Canada

1. The architect of the building was Moshe Safdie.
2. It was built as a pavilion for Expo 67 in 1967.
3. It is located in Montreal, Canada.
4. The building is a building for owners of apartments in the complex, so it would be considered private.
5. I could not find information on how much the building cost to build, but I found that it costs $22,195,920 or about $140,00 per living unit.
6. The building was created for the Expo 67 (World's Fair).
7. I chose this building because of the design of the outside. I like the geometrical shape of the structure and to me it looks like a puzzle of sorts. This aspect of the architecture promotes and sparks interest in viewer's eyes like it did mine. Overall, I picked this building because of the simplicity of the color scheme but to creativity of the design of the architect.

Atomium, Belgium

1. The architects of the structure were Andre and Jean Polak and it was designed by Andre Waterkeyn.
2. It was built in 1958 for the Brussels World's Fair.
3. It is located in Brussels, Belgium.
4. It is a public building and can be visited.
5. I could not find information on how much the building cost to build.
6. The building was created for the Expo 58 (Brussels World's Fair).
7. I chose this building because it is also extremely unique in its design and purpose. It is a museum that is open to the public and the architecture design makes it a very interesting museum. I picked this building also because of the geometric shapes it is made out of and it is cool to look at.

National Centre for the Performing Arts, China

1. It was designed by architect Paul Andreu.
2. The construction for the building started in December 2001 and the first concert was in December 2007.
3. It is located in Beijing, China.
4.  It is a public building.
5. The planned cost was 2.688 billion yuan, but after the construction was finished the total cost was over CNY3.2 billion.
6. The building was created for an arts center.
7. I chose this building because of the unique shape and design. It looks like a giant glass and metal egg and this created a very symmetric building. I loved how it reflected on the water and the reflection looks like the second half of the egg. I picked this building because of its location and how interesting the architecture is.

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