Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Action Shoot

Yelenna, a sophomore at Bowie High School, jogs towards the camera for the photo shoot on Monday. Her class learned about the different types of action shots in photography.

Ian, another student at Bowie, jogs parallel to the camera as his picture is taken. While doing this assignment, Ian and his fellow classmates learned about the different shutter speeds necessary for different speed intensities.

Dancing around the courtyard, Yelenna laughs as she gets her picture captured while she goofs off. Having had a passion for dancing since she was three years old, Yelenna was happy to have helped her classmates with her skills.

Connor Parks, a senior at Bowie, walks by the tree in the courtyard on the way back from the meeting held for seniors. After having listened to Mr. Benson's talk about drinking and driving and the consequences that follow, Conner was deeply moved.

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