Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Warm-Up: Sensory Overload

1. "I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.
I think that this statement is talking about how materialistic our world is becoming. We define our "status" and homes by the the things we purchase and surround ourselves with. I think the statement is absolutely true, so therefore I agree with it. As an inspiring photographer, this quote makes me feel a little sad because I want to shoot nature and cities and people in the hometowns. I want to shoot those things, but our societies are too focused on objects and devices that it takes away from the genuine feelings that there used to be in photos.

2. When I saw the pictures of this place, it made me want to go there and take pictures of it because it would be fascinating.

3. I think it would be very interesting to be the child of someone who worked at this place. Their parents probably have crazy work hours so they would either just spend time with them at their booth or wait at home for them. I feel like it would also be exciting because the child would get to see all the people coming to visit from around the world and see all the different cultures. It could be a very educational and practical experience.

4. My favorite photo from the article was the one with the booth of teddy bears and stuffed animals. There is a nice variety of color in the image, but not as much of an overload as some of the photos. I like this photo because the woman who is working the booth looks very happy and pleased with her booth and job. She has a big grin on her face and that makes the booth look very inviting and not as quiet or awkward as some of the other booths seem.

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