Thursday, December 3, 2015

Magazine Part 2

1. Throughout the development of the magazine cover over the years, the types of covers/designs have varied greatly. The earliest type of cover, Early Magazine Covers, contributed the idea of cover lines. It was the beginning of figuring out how to use them and how many to use. This type of cover also contributed to the idea of having an image on the cover to capture the attention of the viewers.

2. Another type of cover, The Poster Cover, also attributed some development to the evolving of covers. This cover brought around the idea that pictures were worth a thousand words and that there was no need for cover line, or if there were then very few. This type of cover was very powerful and conveyed the idea of using large pictures and paintings was incredible.

3. Yet another type of cover, Pictures Married to Type, contributed to the cover development. This type of magazine cover used pictures and words together to create a beautiful image of the two dancing together. The art of designing these covers involved placement/arrangement of the main image and cover lines, the use of different fonts, font sizes, and colors. In the end, the result, when well done, made a cover that drew people towards it because of the concept of it.

4. Finally, the fourth type of magazine cover, In the Forest of Words, supplied the covers with more ideas. This one gave the world of magazines the idea of using very large cover lines to cover the entire magazine cover space. In some cases, the model on the cover is even competing for space with the words, and this type of cover uses cover lines as the most important part of the whole thing.

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