Thursday, December 10, 2015

Extra Credit: Photography Resolutions for 2016

Brief Summary: On this website that I viewed, I read about many different photography related New Year's resolutions. The author was discussing how to make goals for yourself to get your work out into the world and not being afraid of possible criticism and/or not getting recognized in the way that you want. Overall, the article was about putting your work into the world for other people to see, not being bogged down by doubts that creep into your mind, and mainly setting small goals that eventually lead to bigger goals and better photography and publication.

What I Learned: While reading this post, I learned the importance of making goals for yourself to achieve along your journey in the photography world. I learned that at some point you have to get over your fear of being rejected and just go for it because you are not going to get any better if you do not learn from your mistakes.

How This Site Related to Photography: The main theme of the website article was about New Year's resolutions, especially those pertaining to photography. The author wanted to convey to the reader the significance of being proud of your photography work and not letting the world's judgement cause you to hold back.

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