Tuesday, December 1, 2015

American Soldier

1. The most powerful photo throughout the slideshow is the on of the young boys crawling in the dirt with guns and the purple smoke in the background. This is the most powerful because it shows the seriousness of the situation. There a very young boys training to go off and fight for our country and that is displayed in this photo.
2. Set 1- at home - Image #1 to Image #4
    Set 2 - basic training - Image #5 to Image #13
    Set 3 - in Iraq - Image #14 to Image #27
    In image #28 he is back home in Denver
3. The most powerful set of images was the set in Iraq because it displays what it is like to serve over seas for the good of our country. The photos show emotions and this is conveyed to the viewer through facial expressions and action shots.
4. The images all worked together to tell a story. They did this by following the story of the young men in their homes, then at a training camp, and finally over in Iraq. The viewer was able to see the story because emotions were displayed in the photos.
5. In the photos in Part One where Ian is the main subject, the captions are written in present tense.
6. The captions enhance the photographs because they further tell the story behind the images. The captions provide a link into the subjects world and also they sometimes provided quotes which told more of the story as well.
7. Ian Fisher was a young man who went off to serve in the military. He first went to basic training camp where he learned everything he would need for Iraq. During this time at camp, he was injured multiple times and was provided with drug pain medications. He soon obtained an addiction to the drugs and this was possibly due to the fact that he had nada breakup with his girlfriend. Ian came clean with his drug addiction to his military authorities and was denoted a rank in the army. He was later deployed to Iraq where he drove the Humvees and waited for instructions from his officials. After serving in Iraq for quite some time, Ian returned home and was reunited with his family and a new girlfriend. When he returned to Denver, Ian wasted no time in marrying his girlfriend, Devin.

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