Thursday, November 12, 2015

Love and Loss Warm-up

1. As I looked through the photos on the website, I felt different waves of emotions. There was some pictures that made me feel very happy and bubbly because of the subjects smiles. When I got to the end of the photo, the first emotion I experienced was sadness and regret. The photos show that the woman who was battling cancer finally lost the fight and because of this I was filled with sorrow for her and her family. Although it was sadness at first, my emotions changed to happiness because the woman was not suffering anymore.

2. The photographer said "These photographs do not define us, but they are us." After looking at the photos, this comment shows me that the husband and wife did not let the struggles of cancer get in the way of their normal life. The couple did not want to be defined by the sickness, but instead be known for the well-fought battle. Saying that the pictures do not define them but they are them, the photographer declares that they will not be bogged down by the disease, but they will not ignore it either.

3. I do not know if I would be able to shoot pictures like these if I was in the situation. I would want to document the life of a loved one, but it would be very difficult to watch the changes that occurred in him/her. In the end, I probably would shoot photos like these and they would be emotionally challenging to get, but worth it in the end.

4. If I could write Angelo a letter I would tell him how inspiring his pictures are. I would say that he did an amazing job capturing the beauty in his wife in a very difficult time. I would want to ask him how challenging it was to shoot the photos and how long the cancer lasted. The main portion of my letter would be about how beautiful and wonderful his pictures were.

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