Friday, September 18, 2015

Post Shoot Reflection

1. The only challenge I encountered during this prompt photo shoot was coming up with ideas on how to interpret the words (happy, metal, bowie, and square). I found that coming up with creative picture ideas was difficult, but I figured it out.

2. I found myself mostly thinking about the focus and angle of the camera. The focus is very important and I wanted the pictures to all be focused perfectly on the right things. The angle of the camera just added another aspect to the photo. In order to do this correctly, I would switch the camera to manual focus so I could get the right focus. Also, to get the right angle I would either get down onto the ground or stand up on an elevated object to change the viewpoint.

3. If I could do the assignment again, I would take time to really think about the pictures I was taking and try to apply all the rules of photography to them.

4. I would continue to get different angles of things and focus well on the subject of the picture. Also, I would continue to use the rules that I did.

5. In picture posts

6. I would be interesting in shooting "happy" and "Bowie" again because they are fun to take pictures of and they are very dynamic topics.
  • Her pictures were well thought out and for the most part in focus.
  • I really liked her picture for the prompt "square" because it was unique and had a very nice white background. She used the rule of simplicity and the rule of thirds very well.
  • The one thing that could be improved in her pictures would be the lighting. Her pictures were a little bright and the sunlight seemed to wash out the photo.

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