Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

Part 1:
In the article, one of the main points was how it is wrong to manipulate images to appear different than they actually are seen as. The altering of pictures caused many different photographers to lose their jobs when the companies discovered the lies behind their photos. The companies wanted real images and they wished to have images that were perceived exactly as they were supposed to be.

This type of photo editing is unethical because it gives the viewers false information. The images could cause people to believe things that are not true, and we do not want deceit and lies in the pictures.

Part 2:

This altered photo that appeared on the cover of the news is the most unethical of the ones I saw. It is the worst because the debate that is depicted on the front never even occurred. The photographer was faking a political event that was nonexistent and he was lying to the public about it.

In this photo, the pyramids were manipulated to be closer to each other in order to get the full picture on the cover of the magazine. Out of all the altered photos I saw, this one was the least unethical. It is not as bad because it is not faking an event or occurrence. Instead, the photographer just moved the pyramids closer to one another. It is still not ethical to do this, but it is not a wrong as being dishonest about politics and other things.

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