Thursday, September 24, 2015

Academics & Community Service Photos/Shoot

My favorite photo was of a girl in an art class who was pouring vibrant pink paint onto a black object. When the paint hit the surface it bounced up causing it the splatter everywhere in the frame.

  1. I picked this photo because it is very interesting the look it and I like the bright colors in it. I liked how the girl in the background who was pouring the paint was not completely in focus. The paint splatters were the subject of the photo and this made a cool effect. Overall, the photo is fun to look at.
  2. One of the rules of photography in this picture is the rule of simplicity. The only things in the frame are the girl and the pain splatters which lets the viewer focus on the subject of the photo.
My Shoot:

  1. I think I could get pictures like the ones I viewed today by going into classes that are conducting interesting activities. I should go to either a science class that is conducting a lab, or a class that is having academical games/activities that day like the History classes doing the Greek Olympics.
  2. I would like to go to Mrs. Kowalik's room to get pictures of here biology students doing labs. I would also consider going into Ms. Holloway's class to get pictures of either her tech students or her theatre students. Also, I would go into a Spanish or French class that is doing fun activities in order to learn their new language.
  3. In order to get amazing photos like I viewed, I will get different angles of the camera and get on different levels, whether that be laying on the floor or standing on a table. Also, I will use the rules of photography that we have learned so that my photos can be the best I can make them. I will also take this shoot very seriously so that I can become a better photographer and improve my skills.

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