Friday, September 18, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2

The famous photographer Andre Kertesz was born on July 2, 1894 in Budapest, Hungary. Andre had a basic education. He began work at a bank in 1912, which was the same year he started working with photography. In 1914, Andre went into World War 1 and served until her was severely injured. While he was serving in the horrible war, he also photographed many things including the warfront. After being injured, Andre went back to working at the bank in 1918. In 1928, Andre married a woman by the name of Rozsa Klein, but later they divorced in 1932. He married Erzsébet Salamon in 1933. Andre worked as a photographer for many different magazines which include Vogue, Look, Harper's Bazaar, and others. Some of his published books consist of On Reading, written in 1971, André Kertész: Sixty Years of Photography, 1912-1972, written in 1972, Kertész on Kertész: A Self-Portait, written in 1985, and J'aime Paris: Photographers Since the Twenties, written in 1974. Andre later died at the age of 91 on September 28, 1985 in New York City, New York.

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