Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magazine Cover Peer Review

Katie Stephenson's
1. The name of the magazine cover that I liked the best is EARTH and Katie Stephenson made it.

2. One thing that I liked about this cover was the image on it because it was a very good picture and showed great photography skills. Also, I liked how so did the title of the magazine because it caught my attention and was done in a creative manner.

3. To improve the cover, the creator could make the cover lines a little more visible, whether that be making them larger fonts or changing the color.

4. I picked this cover as one of my favorites because of the contrast of colors in the image on the cover. The green of the leaves, the blue of the girl's eyes, and the blonde hair all combined together to create a wonderful composition that caught my eye instantly.

5. There is a bar code on this cover and it is in the right place, but it might be slightly too big.

6. I would pick this magazine up and look at it in Barnes and Nobles because the cover intrigues me and the headlines have to do with things I am interested in.

7. I can tell that this is their portrait.

Kiran Patel's
1. The name of the second magazine cover I liked is holiday weekly and Kiran Patel made it.

2. One thing that I liked about this cover was the title because it was simple yet effective. In addition. I also liked the color of the cover lines and how they matched the girl's hair.

3. To improve the cover, the creator could make the cover lines slightly bigger so that they are easier to read from further away.

4. I picked this cover as one of my favorites because of the colors incorporated into the image. I liked the use of background colors in the title and cover lines.

5. There is a bar code on this magazine cover and it is appropriately sized and placed in the correct place.

6. I would pick this magazine up and look at it in Barnes and Nobles because the topics of the cover lines are interesting to me and the layout on the cover it well done.

7. I can tell that this is their portrait.

Isabella Poveda's
1. The name of the third magazine cover I liked is AUTUMN Illustrated and Isabella Poveda made it.

2. One thing I liked about this color was the color scheme. It was all about the fall season so she incorporated fall colors like yellow and orange into the cover. I also liked the cover lines and how they popped out of the composition.

3. One thing the creator could do to improve the cover would be to make the headlines a little easier to read by making them a bolder font.

4. I picked this cover because the color scheme caught my eye and caused intrigue.

5. There is a bar code on this magazine cover and it is appropriately sized and placed in the correct place.

6. I would pick this magazine up and look at it in Barnes and Nobles because the colors would interest me and the cover lines also line up with my interests in general.

7. I can tell that this is their self-portrait

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