Friday, January 22, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

All good yearbooks should have...
1. The name of the school on the cover
2. An eye-catching picture on the cover
3. Volume number on the cover somewhere
4. Intriguing headlines on the spreads
5. Lots of words on every page
6. Creative and eye-catching pictures on the spreads
7. Date/Year on the cover
8. Table of contents near the front
9. A title of the volume on the front
10. Thematic spreads
11. A section dedicated to student yearbook portraits (freshmen-seniors)
12. A section dedicated to sport teams's pictures
13. Senior tribute area
14. Page numbers on every page
15. Names of students in photos
16. Names of the photographer that took the photo
17. A glossary/index at the end
18. School club pictures
19. Sponsor ads
20. Yearbook staff dedication page
21. Choir, band, orchestra, etc. group photos
22. Pictures of students at school, at school events, and just student life
23. Good color schemes throughout the spreads and the book as a whole
24. Portraits of staff members at the school
25. A common theme carried out through the whole book

1. What is the title of your book?
The title of my book is to be determined.

2. What school is it from?
It is from Carroll High Schools.

3. What "thematic elements" do you see in your book?
The theme of "to be determined" is carried out through the whole book. Also, many of the spreads have black and white photos with black and green text and this matches the cover of the book as well.

4. How many sections are in your book?
There are nine sections in my book.

5. What is your favorite spread?
My favorite spread was "taking a break" (pg 68-69). I liked this spread because of the colored pictures and the stories behind the photos. This spread showed student life outside of school and how the students spent their free time. The photos were laid out nicely and evenly across the pages, the headlines were eye-catching and intriguing, and the color scheme worked very well.

6. Is there an Index in your book?
Yes, there is an Index in my book.

7. Are there photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations?
Yes, there are photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations in my book.

8. Is there a table of contents?
Yes, there is a table of contents.

9. How many people go to the school whose book you have?
1155 students at Carroll Senior High School and 1263 at Carroll High School.

10. What state is your book from?
My book is from Texas.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magazine Cover Peer Review

Katie Stephenson's
1. The name of the magazine cover that I liked the best is EARTH and Katie Stephenson made it.

2. One thing that I liked about this cover was the image on it because it was a very good picture and showed great photography skills. Also, I liked how so did the title of the magazine because it caught my attention and was done in a creative manner.

3. To improve the cover, the creator could make the cover lines a little more visible, whether that be making them larger fonts or changing the color.

4. I picked this cover as one of my favorites because of the contrast of colors in the image on the cover. The green of the leaves, the blue of the girl's eyes, and the blonde hair all combined together to create a wonderful composition that caught my eye instantly.

5. There is a bar code on this cover and it is in the right place, but it might be slightly too big.

6. I would pick this magazine up and look at it in Barnes and Nobles because the cover intrigues me and the headlines have to do with things I am interested in.

7. I can tell that this is their portrait.

Kiran Patel's
1. The name of the second magazine cover I liked is holiday weekly and Kiran Patel made it.

2. One thing that I liked about this cover was the title because it was simple yet effective. In addition. I also liked the color of the cover lines and how they matched the girl's hair.

3. To improve the cover, the creator could make the cover lines slightly bigger so that they are easier to read from further away.

4. I picked this cover as one of my favorites because of the colors incorporated into the image. I liked the use of background colors in the title and cover lines.

5. There is a bar code on this magazine cover and it is appropriately sized and placed in the correct place.

6. I would pick this magazine up and look at it in Barnes and Nobles because the topics of the cover lines are interesting to me and the layout on the cover it well done.

7. I can tell that this is their portrait.

Isabella Poveda's
1. The name of the third magazine cover I liked is AUTUMN Illustrated and Isabella Poveda made it.

2. One thing I liked about this color was the color scheme. It was all about the fall season so she incorporated fall colors like yellow and orange into the cover. I also liked the cover lines and how they popped out of the composition.

3. One thing the creator could do to improve the cover would be to make the headlines a little easier to read by making them a bolder font.

4. I picked this cover because the color scheme caught my eye and caused intrigue.

5. There is a bar code on this magazine cover and it is appropriately sized and placed in the correct place.

6. I would pick this magazine up and look at it in Barnes and Nobles because the colors would interest me and the cover lines also line up with my interests in general.

7. I can tell that this is their self-portrait

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

1.  The photo I liked the best was the grayscale Eight picture of the locker number. This was my favorite because it caught my attention, was intriguing to look at, and I liked the effect of the black and white filter on the image. In addition, I liked the angle of the camera used to take the photo.

2. My least favorite image was the The End picture. This was my least favorite because it was not very interesting to look at. It got the prompt across to the viewer but more could have been done to improve the image.

3. Positive Statements: They person cropped their images effectively and in a nice way. Overall, the images were well thought out and planned.

4. One area they could improve upon, in my opinion, would be to use the rules of photography better in their compositions to catch the attention of viewers.

5. From my perspective, they best portrayed the prompt of Eight.

6. From my perspective, they least successfully portrayed the prompt of The End.

Prompt Shoot #3

Connected (9x4)

Footprints (7x5)

Pose (8x10)

Yummy (6x4)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome Back

Part 1:

This image is one of my favorites because it depicts a government official who is not being serious. It displays how the people working in government do not have to be in work mode all the time. They are still human and are allowed to have fun with each other.

This is another one of my favorites because of the beauty displayed in the photo. Despite all the terror going on around us in our world, there are still amazing sights like these sunsets over the sea. The beauty shows the hope for the future.

Finally, this is another favorite of the year because it shows our discovers that push us on to a brighter future. Scientific findings are one thing that will improve our world, so the images that display them are very hopeful.

Part 2:

1. The best song of 2015 was Hello by Adele. This song has already sold over five million albums in just the United States alone. The hit song reached the top charts almost instantly and is a song known by almost every teenager. The song by Adele is commonly used in social media posts like Vine to back up the videos. In addition, people have already done covers and parodies of the song. One source I viewed stated that it was the first song to sell a million downloads in a single week. This song is the best of 2015 because it was inspirational and revolutionary.

2. The best movie of 2015 was the new Star Wars movie. The Force Awakens was a long awaited film that sold out of first showings rapidly. Weeks after the movie came out in theaters the showings were still selling out and hard to get into last minute. This film sold over 500 million dollars worth of tickets globally in just the opening weekend. Being a part of a long series, the movie was seen by many adults, teenagers, and even children who enjoyed the previous six movies.

3. The most important new story of 2015 was the attack on Paris. This deeply saddening story was heard throughout the whole world and impacts millions of people. With over a hundred dead and many more injured, the news report caught the attention of everyone. Because of the fatalities and horror of the attacks, many countries banded together to help those in Paris who were directly affected. The hashtag "prayforparis" hit the charts on social media and millions of people all over the world were coming together to aid their fellow country. These brutal attacks around the world are awful, but they are showing us the bad things in our world and now we can come together to fix them.

4. The most important person of 2015 is a hard one to choose. The most important is not necessarily for good reasons, but instead a person who made a big impact on our lives. Looking at it from that standpoint, I think the most important person of the year would be Donald Trump. I do not agree with him or his propositions but I do think that he made a very large impact on the United States in the political run for president. The man is famous on every social media account for many different reasons and he is known by almost everyone. He has influenced our societies and because of this I think he would be considered the most important person of the past year.

5. The biggest sports story of 2015 was the fight between Mayweather and Pacquiao. This fight was talked about for a long time and everyone was cheering for one or the other. Each bystander was awaiting the results of the professional boxing match. The whole story was televised and on some channels people paid to watch the fight and this resulted in a wonderful profit for those companies. Overall, the fight got a lot of publicity and is the biggest sports story of the past year.

Part 3:

1. One thing that happened over my holiday that I will remember is I went sledding with my family and some friends up in Colorado. We had the opportunity to go up to a camp I go to every summer and use their sledding hill for a few hours. My fingers and toes were freezing cold, but it was extremely fun.

2. My New Year's resolutions are to be more active and keep my grades up throughout the end of the semester. I want to stay active in order to make me both happier and healthier. In addition, keeping my grades up will help me to stay stress-free.

3. I am looking forward to the summer of 2016. I am excited about it because I have a few different trips planned. For example, I am planning on working at a camp on staff for about five weeks. Also, I am most likely going to go on a missions trip with my church to Trinidad for the third time.