Thursday, May 12, 2016

Car Raid Preview

  1. The subject of my car raid is my friend Grace.
  2. I will do this car raid this weekend.
  3. Questions to start the interview:
    1. What kind of car is this?
    2. How long have you had this car?
    3. What is your favorite thing about your car?
    4. In your opinion, what is the most important thing to keep in your car?
    5. Is this your first car?
  4. Things I find in her car, what she keeps in her car normally, and what the car look like are the kind of details I should expect to write down in order to help advance the story line.

Merger Photo

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Graffiti/Found Object Prompt Shoot

This is my found object image. I found the dry erase marker in the decorative basket in my house.

These are my graffiti prompt images. The graffiti walls were found near my house.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Merger Photo

  1. Something that could be a problem when taking my photos could be the background subtly changing or not spacing myself correctly.
  2. I think a good place to take this type of picture on the Bowie campus would be either one of the sports fields/courts or against one of the brick walls.
  3. Something creative I could do in my photo would be the progression of a basketball shot or soccer goal or something along those lines, where there is an end result. Also, I could have someone in a dress dance across the composition and capture the different poses and/or jumps.
  4. Something I could wear to help me with this photo would be just shorts and a shirt. It would not really matter for the sports photo. For the dancer, a flowing dress would be helpful.

HDR Images


  1. My favorite photo was the one of the two people inside the ice cave with the blue light reflecting around them.
  2. Some of the photos look like they were taken with a iPhone camera, but the majority looks like they were taken with a professional camera and not a phone camera.
  3. I feel like apps played a big role in the quality of the picture. The apps most likely impacted the final product and helped the photographer edit the pictures how they wanted.
  4. Two type that might help my own photography with a phone would be to increase the diversity of the photos to find out what you like shooting the most and what works best for the phone camera, and to utilize things like editing apps and camera apps to help make your photos look better but not too edited/fake. Also, be creative with the photos, compositions, and techniques.

Monday, May 2, 2016

HDR Photography

  1. The manipulations required to shoot HDR photos include setting the camera to Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) or adjusting the camera settings manually between each shot and set the camera to shoot in RAW.
  2. The equipment we will use includes a camera (preferably with an AEB function), a tripod, and HDR photo-blending software.
  3. Someone might take a HDR photo because they want to get a high-contrast scene and get a high dynamic range that could not be obtained in a single regular photo.
  4. Once we merge all the images together, we can expect the photo to have high contrast of darks and whites that in other situations we would not see. If we had of shot just one photo, then there would not be such a high dynamic range in the photo.

Final Exam Planning Warm-Up

  • I will shoot this assignment either this weekend or the next
  • I will shoot it at a park or popular place in Austin (Zilker, butler, etc.)
  • My story will be about documenting an actual photoshoot with a professional photographer (the behind the scenes of before, during, and after the shoot)
  • For equipment, I will need my camera, my lens, and maybe an extra special lens.
  • For the video portion, I will either video the going to the place of the shoot or editing the photos.
  • The still images will be of the preparation that goes into a photoshoot and the actual photoshoot
  • My narration will be with the video of either going to the area or editing.

Illustrator Art Pieces

Culture of me story

Pals story

Daniel story